Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 17, No run: Musings on Energy vs Time Management.

Day 17, no miles, total so far 40.75/ Miles to go 959.25

Woke up with very sore legs....I am noticing a pattern. After my 5 miles runs I need some recovery. I have to remember to take this slowly. After all a year is a long time and as my legs get stronger I am sure I will have even longer runs.

As I thought of the need to rest, the old adage that life is a marathon not a sprint come to mind. This is supposed to make us feel better when we have so much to do....make us think we have a long time to do it. But actually, having run 3 marathons, I never really have liked this because frankly, they are hard and not that much fun until you finish and it feels so good not to be running. Much like the shiatsu massage I wrote about in a previous post where after the pain you of course feel better.

At a recent seminar I heard a speaker debunk the life is a marathon metaphor. She was a "life coach" who had left the practice of law to help lawyers stay in the practice of law. She said that life is NOT a marathon. She said it is a series of SPRINTS followed by periods of recovery. I like that. Sprints are of short duration. Seeing the end in sight is a great motivator for me.

She also spoke about the need for better "energy management," rather than an emphasis on time management that so often is the focus of business and career writing. I like that concept too. She said we need to make time to restore physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. So today I did that, went home after class (which means I did not get home until 9:00pm) and crashed. Life is Good!

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