Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 67 OMG I realize I am behind!

Day 67, Friday April 9th Ran 3.4, Miles total 106.4; Miles to go - 893.6 So the Good News is that I ran today after not running for the past two days. My failure to run represented a combination of still fighting this check cold and working late each night monitoring exams so that I do not get out of the school until around 10:30. Yesterday I had a breakfast meeting and I have had a lunch each day this week other than Tuesday when I ran and running. This morning I ran before work and it felt good, even though I continue to cough. Now for the Bad News, I just did the calculations and realized that to meet my 1000 miles in a year goal I need to average around 2.74 miles a day. At this point if I was on schedule, I would have run about 183.6 miles. I have only run 106.4. This creates a deficit of 77.2 miles so far. I will have to up the pace so as an incentive, for future posts I will add a column for where I need to be to be on track and where I actually am. Hopefully I can whittle away this deficit over the summer.

Now I stated my discussion with the "Good News, Bad News" format in honor of the UTube video that the law students have posted about me telling this Good News, Bad News" Old Man in China story that I tell every year during orientation. Check out the side under the title "Who is to say?" Well I tried to paste the link and failed. Good News, Bad News, Who is to say? I will try to add it later.

But Life is Good!

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